Bookster Country Clothing

Our experience has shown a high demand for classic, high quality vintage items in interesting cloths and patterns.  Customers appreciate both the quality of workmanship and cloths that are difficult to find these days. Additionally, these styles of clothing are becoming harder to find, as many are no longer produced. Larger sized vintage items in particular are exceedingly rare; this is completely at odds with the needs of many of today's customers.
These were all things that started us thinking about creating our own range of traditional British clothing. We decided to begin with predominantly tweeds, in styles and of a quality that would delight anyone seeking the best. These garments are made for you with bespoke options to select, such as individual back and sleeve lengths, waist fittings, working cuff buttons, and other special touches you would normally find only with face to face Bespoke Tailoring. 
We then set ourselves specific goals:
  1. The clothing MUST be produced in England, to the highest standards, by craft tailors and carefully overseen by ourselves
  2. We would only use the best British cloths.
  3. We should cater to the widest possible range of sizes, including specific personal requirements such as sizing and fitting.
  4. We would offer made to measure clothing with multiple bespoke options.
  5. Last but not least, the items must be affordable and be suitable for both Town & Country use.

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